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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Cold War

Guided Reading Activity 21-1
Answer the questions in complete sentences on your own paper as you read page 657-660.

1. Give a definition of the term détente as it related to American-Soviet relations in the 1970s.
2. What caused a major setback in détente in 1979?
3. State the agreement made by the INF treaty.
4. What 1990 event was a powerful symbol of the end of the Cold War?
5. Define the Brezhnev Doctrine of the 1970s.
6. What happened to the Communist ruling class in the Soviet Union by the 1970s?
7. What event signaled a new era in the Soviet Union in March of 1985?
8. What were the two kinds of reform attempted by Gorbachev?
9. Why were the conservative leaders of the traditional Soviet institutions worried by Gorbachev’s reforms?
10. What changes and reforms in policy did Vladimir Putin initiate in Russia after his election in 2000?

Complete # 1-8 on page 660